Margaret Swan



Flow, a new series of painted aluminum wall sculpture,  investigates the duality of free-flowing forms versus structures of containment. The fluid, curving planes suggest movement, while contrasting latticed frameworks create tension and a sense of restraint. The final effect is that of water passing through nets or vessels—triumphantly finding its own way. 


Lift  explores forces of nature in relation to structures that harness their power. Inspired by the rigging of sailing vessels, the sculptures position the taut interplay of linear elements in contrast to curving planes in space, suggesting the presence of wind animating the work.


Inspired by skeletal and skin-like forms that evoke the structure of sailboat rigging, the sculptures emphasize the tension between lines and planes in space.


Suggesting the passage of time and space of early Cubist landscape paintings, the sculptures fuse receding and advancing planes around embedded branch-like tubular forms. 


These relief constructions refer to architectural structures such as walls, doorways, bridges, and piers in the way the forms layer and span a series of open spaces. Composed of basic wood building materials, such as plywood, shingles, and laths, the reliefs incorporate subtle shifts of perspective in relation to the colors and shapes of the wooden elements.